sábado, 29 de octubre de 2016

BANCOS DEL MUNDO - Monedas y Bancos Centrales -OCTUBRE Y NOVIEMBRE 2016

Dólar australiano
AUD Reserve Bank of Australia
Lek albanés
ALLBank of Albania
Dinar argelino
DZDBank of Algeria
Peso argentino
ARSCentral Bank of Argentina
Florín arubeño
AWGCentral Bank of Aruba
Libra esterlina
GBP Bank of England
Dólar de las Bahamas
BSDThe Central Bank of The Bahamas
Dinar de Bahréin
BHDCentral Bank of Bahrain
Taka de Bangladesh
BDTBangladesh Bank
Dólar de Barbados
BBDCentral Bank of Barbados
Rublo bielorruso
BYRNational Bank of the Republic of Belarus
Dólar de Belice
BZDCentral Bank of Belize
Dólar de Bermudas
BMDBermuda Monetary Authority
Ngultrum de Bhutan
BTNRoyal Monetary Authority of Bhutan
BOBBanco Central de Bolivia
Pula de Botsuana
BWPBank of Botswana
Real brasileño
BRLCentral Bank of Brazil
Dólar de Brunéi
BNDAutoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam
Lev búlgaro
BGNBulgarian National Bank
Franco burundí
BIFBanque de la Republique du Burudi
Dólar canadiense
CAD Bank of Canada
Yuan chino
CNYPeople's Bank of China
Riel camboyano
KHRNational Bank of Cambodia
Escudo caboverdiano
CVEBank of Cape Verde
Dólar de las Islas Caimán
KYDCayman Islands Monetary Authority
Franco CFA (BCEAO)
XOFCentral Bank of West African States
Franco CFA (BEAC)
XAFBank of Central African States
Peso chileno
CLPBanco Central de Chile
Peso colombiano
COPBanco de la República
Franco comorano
KMFBanque Centrale des Comores
Colón costarricense
CRCCentral Bank of Costa Rica
Kuna croata
HRKCroatian National Bank
Peso cubano
CUPCentral Bank of Cuba
Corona checa
CZKCzech National Bank
Corona danesa
DKK Danmarks Nationalbank
Franco yibutiano
DJFCentral Bank of Djibouti
Peso dominicano
DOPCentral Bank of the Dominican Republic
EUR European Central Bank
Dólar del Caribe Oriental
XCDEastern Caribbean Central Bank
Libra egipcia
EGPCentral Bank of Egypt
El Colon del Salvador
SVCCentral Reserve Bank of El Salvador
Corona estonia
EEKBank of Estonia
Birr etíope
ETBNational Bank of Ethiopia
Libra malvinense
FKP Government of the Falkland Islands
Dólar de Fiji
FJDReserve Bank of Fiji
Dalasi gambiano
GMD Central Bank of The Gambia
Quetzal de Guatemala
GTQBank of Guatemala
Franco guineano
GNFCentral Bank of the Republic of Guinea
Dólar guyanés
GYDBank of Guyana
Cedi ghanes
GHSBank of Ghana
Dólar de Hong Kong
HKD Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Gourde haitiano
HTGBank of the Republic of Haiti
Lempira hondureña
HNLCentral Bank of Honduras
Florín húngaro
HUFHungarian National Bank / Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Rupia indonesia
IDR Bank Indonesia
Rupia india
INRReserve Bank of India
Corona islandesa
ISKCentral Bank of Iceland
Rial iraní
IRRCentral Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Dinar iraquí
IQDCentral Bank of Iraq
Shekel israelí
ILSBank of Israel
Yen japonés
JPY Bank of Japan
Dinar jordano
JODCentral Bank of Jordan
Tenge kazako
KZT National Bank of Kazakhstan
Chelín keniano
KESCentral Bank of Kenya
Won coreano
KRWBank of Korea
Dinar kuwaití
KWDCentral Bank of Kuwait
Kirguistán Som
KGSNational Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic
Pataca de Macao
MOP Monetary Authority of Macao
Dinar macedonio
MKDNational Bank of the Republic of Macedonia
Kwacha malawiano
MWKReserve Bank of Malawi
Ringgit malayo
MYRBank Negara Malaysia
Rupia de Maldivas
MVRMaldives Monetary Authority
Ouguiya de Mauritania
MROBanque Centrale de Mauritanie
Rupia mauricia
MURBank of Mauritius
Peso mexicano
MXNBank of Mexico
Leu moldavo
MDLNational Bank of Moldova
Tugrik mongol
MNTBank of Mongolia
Dirham marroquí
MADBank Al-Maghrib
Kyat de Myanmar
MMKCentral Bank of Myanmar
Dólar de Namibia
NAD Bank of Namibia
Rupia nepalí
NPRNepal Rastra Bank
Guilder antillano
ANGCentral Bank of Cura?ao and Sint Maarten
Dólar neozelandés
NZDReserve Bank of New Zealand
Córdoba nicaragüense
NIOCentral Bank of Nicaragua
Naira nigeriano
NGNCentral Bank of Nigeria
Won de Corea del Norte
KPWCentral Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Corona noruega
NOKNorges Bank
Rial omaní
OMR Central Bank of Oman
Franco CFP
XPF Institut d’émission d’Outre-Mer
Rupia pakistaní
PKRState Bank of Pakistan
Balboa panameño
PABNational Bank of Panama
Kina de Papúa Nueva Guinea
PGKBank of Papua New Guinea
Guaraní paraguayo
PYGBanco Central del Paraguay
Nuevo Sol peruano
PENCentral Reserve Bank of Peru
Peso filipino
PHPBangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Zloty polaco
PLNNational Bank of Poland
Riyal Qatarí
QAR Qatar Central Bank
Leu rumano
RON National Bank of Romania
Rublo ruso
RUBBank of Russia
Franco ruandés
RWFNational Bank of Rwanda
Franco suizo
CHF Swiss National Bank
Tala de Samoa
WSTCentral Bank of Samoa
Dobra de Santo Tomé
STDBanco Central de S?o Tomé e Príncipe
Riyal saudí
SARSaudi Arabian Monetary Agency
Rupia de Seychelles
SCRCentral Bank of Seychelles
Leone de Sierra Leona
SLLBank Of Sierra Leone
Dólar de Singapur
SGDMonetary Authority of Singapore
Corona eslovaca
SKKNational Bank of Slovakia
Dólar de las Islas Salomón
SBDCentral Bank of Solomon Islands
Chelín somalí
SOSCentral Bank of Somalia
Rand sudafricano
ZARSouth African Reserve Bank
Rupia de Sri Lanka
LKRCentral Bank of Sri Lanka
Libra de Santa Helena
SHPGovernment of Saint Helena
Libra sudanesa
SDGBank of Sudan
Lilangeni de Suazilandia
SZLCentral Bank of Swaziland
Corona sueca
SEKSveriges Riksbank
Libra siria
SYPCentral Bank of Syria
Baht tailandés
THB Bank of Thailand
Lira turca
TRYCentral Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Dólar taiwanés
TWDCentral Bank of the Republic of China
Chelín tanzano
TZSBank of Tanzania
Pa'anga del Reino de Tonga
TOPNational Reserve Bank of Tonga
Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago
TTDCentral Bank of Trinidad and Tobago
Dinar tunecino
TNDCentral Bank of Tunisia
Dólar estadounidense
USD Federal Reserve System
Dirham de Emiratos Arabes Unidos
AEDCentral Bank of the United Arab Emirates
Chelín ugandés
UGXBank of Uganda
Grivnia de Ucrania
UAHNational Bank of Ukraine
Peso uruguayo
UYUCentral Bank of Uruguay
Uzbekistán Sum
UZSCentral Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Vatu de Vanuatu
VUV Reserve Bank of Vanuatu
Dong de Vietnam
VNDState Bank of Vietnam
Bolívar venezolano
VEFBanco Central de Venezuela
Rial yemení
YER Central Bank of Yemen
Kwacha zambiano
ZMK Bank of Zambia

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