Dólar australiano | AUD | Reserve Bank of Australia |
Lek albanés | ALL | Bank of Albania |
Dinar argelino | DZD | Bank of Algeria |
Peso argentino | ARS | Central Bank of Argentina |
Florín arubeño | AWG | Central Bank of Aruba |
Libra esterlina | GBP | Bank of England |
Dólar de las Bahamas | BSD | The Central Bank of The Bahamas |
Dinar de Bahréin | BHD | Central Bank of Bahrain |
Taka de Bangladesh | BDT | Bangladesh Bank |
Dólar de Barbados | BBD | Central Bank of Barbados |
Rublo bielorruso | BYR | National Bank of the Republic of Belarus |
Dólar de Belice | BZD | Central Bank of Belize |
Dólar de Bermudas | BMD | Bermuda Monetary Authority |
Ngultrum de Bhutan | BTN | Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan |
Boliviano | BOB | Banco Central de Bolivia |
Pula de Botsuana | BWP | Bank of Botswana |
Real brasileño | BRL | Central Bank of Brazil |
Dólar de Brunéi | BND | Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam |
Lev búlgaro | BGN | Bulgarian National Bank |
Franco burundí | BIF | Banque de la Republique du Burudi |
Dólar canadiense | CAD | Bank of Canada |
Yuan chino | CNY | People's Bank of China |
Riel camboyano | KHR | National Bank of Cambodia |
Escudo caboverdiano | CVE | Bank of Cape Verde |
Dólar de las Islas Caimán | KYD | Cayman Islands Monetary Authority |
Franco CFA (BCEAO) | XOF | Central Bank of West African States |
Franco CFA (BEAC) | XAF | Bank of Central African States |
Peso chileno | CLP | Banco Central de Chile |
Peso colombiano | COP | Banco de la República |
Franco comorano | KMF | Banque Centrale des Comores |
Colón costarricense | CRC | Central Bank of Costa Rica |
Kuna croata | HRK | Croatian National Bank |
Peso cubano | CUP | Central Bank of Cuba |
Corona checa | CZK | Czech National Bank |
Corona danesa | DKK | Danmarks Nationalbank |
Franco yibutiano | DJF | Central Bank of Djibouti |
Peso dominicano | DOP | Central Bank of the Dominican Republic |
Euro | EUR | European Central Bank |
Dólar del Caribe Oriental | XCD | Eastern Caribbean Central Bank |
Libra egipcia | EGP | Central Bank of Egypt |
El Colon del Salvador | SVC | Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador |
Corona estonia | EEK | Bank of Estonia |
Birr etíope | ETB | National Bank of Ethiopia |
Libra malvinense | FKP | Government of the Falkland Islands |
Dólar de Fiji | FJD | Reserve Bank of Fiji |
Dalasi gambiano | GMD | Central Bank of The Gambia |
Quetzal de Guatemala | GTQ | Bank of Guatemala |
Franco guineano | GNF | Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea |
Dólar guyanés | GYD | Bank of Guyana |
Cedi ghanes | GHS | Bank of Ghana |
Dólar de Hong Kong | HKD | Hong Kong Monetary Authority |
Gourde haitiano | HTG | Bank of the Republic of Haiti |
Lempira hondureña | HNL | Central Bank of Honduras |
Florín húngaro | HUF | Hungarian National Bank / Magyar Nemzeti Bank |
Rupia indonesia | IDR | Bank Indonesia |
Rupia india | INR | Reserve Bank of India |
Corona islandesa | ISK | Central Bank of Iceland |
Rial iraní | IRR | Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran |
Dinar iraquí | IQD | Central Bank of Iraq |
Shekel israelí | ILS | Bank of Israel |
Yen japonés | JPY | Bank of Japan |
Dinar jordano | JOD | Central Bank of Jordan |
Tenge kazako | KZT | National Bank of Kazakhstan |
Chelín keniano | KES | Central Bank of Kenya |
Won coreano | KRW | Bank of Korea |
Dinar kuwaití | KWD | Central Bank of Kuwait |
Kirguistán Som | KGS | National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Pataca de Macao | MOP | Monetary Authority of Macao |
Dinar macedonio | MKD | National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia |
Kwacha malawiano | MWK | Reserve Bank of Malawi |
Ringgit malayo | MYR | Bank Negara Malaysia |
Rupia de Maldivas | MVR | Maldives Monetary Authority |
Ouguiya de Mauritania | MRO | Banque Centrale de Mauritanie |
Rupia mauricia | MUR | Bank of Mauritius |
Peso mexicano | MXN | Bank of Mexico |
Leu moldavo | MDL | National Bank of Moldova |
Tugrik mongol | MNT | Bank of Mongolia |
Dirham marroquí | MAD | Bank Al-Maghrib |
Kyat de Myanmar | MMK | Central Bank of Myanmar |
Dólar de Namibia | NAD | Bank of Namibia |
Rupia nepalí | NPR | Nepal Rastra Bank |
Guilder antillano | ANG | Central Bank of Cura?ao and Sint Maarten |
Dólar neozelandés | NZD | Reserve Bank of New Zealand |
Córdoba nicaragüense | NIO | Central Bank of Nicaragua |
Naira nigeriano | NGN | Central Bank of Nigeria |
Won de Corea del Norte | KPW | Central Bank of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
Corona noruega | NOK | Norges Bank |
Rial omaní | OMR | Central Bank of Oman |
Franco CFP | XPF | Institut d’émission d’Outre-Mer |
Rupia pakistaní | PKR | State Bank of Pakistan |
Balboa panameño | PAB | National Bank of Panama |
Kina de Papúa Nueva Guinea | PGK | Bank of Papua New Guinea |
Guaraní paraguayo | PYG | Banco Central del Paraguay |
Nuevo Sol peruano | PEN | Central Reserve Bank of Peru |
Peso filipino | PHP | Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas |
Zloty polaco | PLN | National Bank of Poland |
Riyal Qatarí | QAR | Qatar Central Bank |
Leu rumano | RON | National Bank of Romania |
Rublo ruso | RUB | Bank of Russia |
Franco ruandés | RWF | National Bank of Rwanda |
Franco suizo | CHF | Swiss National Bank |
Tala de Samoa | WST | Central Bank of Samoa |
Dobra de Santo Tomé | STD | Banco Central de S?o Tomé e Príncipe |
Riyal saudí | SAR | Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency |
Rupia de Seychelles | SCR | Central Bank of Seychelles |
Leone de Sierra Leona | SLL | Bank Of Sierra Leone |
Dólar de Singapur | SGD | Monetary Authority of Singapore |
Corona eslovaca | SKK | National Bank of Slovakia |
Dólar de las Islas Salomón | SBD | Central Bank of Solomon Islands |
Chelín somalí | SOS | Central Bank of Somalia |
Rand sudafricano | ZAR | South African Reserve Bank |
Rupia de Sri Lanka | LKR | Central Bank of Sri Lanka |
Libra de Santa Helena | SHP | Government of Saint Helena |
Libra sudanesa | SDG | Bank of Sudan |
Lilangeni de Suazilandia | SZL | Central Bank of Swaziland |
Corona sueca | SEK | Sveriges Riksbank |
Libra siria | SYP | Central Bank of Syria |
Baht tailandés | THB | Bank of Thailand |
Lira turca | TRY | Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey |
Dólar taiwanés | TWD | Central Bank of the Republic of China |
Chelín tanzano | TZS | Bank of Tanzania |
Pa'anga del Reino de Tonga | TOP | National Reserve Bank of Tonga |
Dólar de Trinidad y Tobago | TTD | Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago |
Dinar tunecino | TND | Central Bank of Tunisia |
Dólar estadounidense | USD | Federal Reserve System |
Dirham de Emiratos Arabes Unidos | AED | Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates |
Chelín ugandés | UGX | Bank of Uganda |
Grivnia de Ucrania | UAH | National Bank of Ukraine |
Peso uruguayo | UYU | Central Bank of Uruguay |
Uzbekistán Sum | UZS | Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Vatu de Vanuatu | VUV | Reserve Bank of Vanuatu |
Dong de Vietnam | VND | State Bank of Vietnam |
Bolívar venezolano | VEF | Banco Central de Venezuela |
Rial yemení | YER | Central Bank of Yemen |
Kwacha zambiano | ZMK | Bank of Zambia |
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